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In 2006 we started a festival called Digital Event, which has taken place in September 2006, 2007and february of 2009. Digital Event includes an online exhibition of Internet art and art projects relating to technology, a gallery exhibition of video and electronic art, and online publications of curatorial statements and articles.

digital event

digital event'06

While curating this event we started with the idea of selecting projects by doing an open call for entries around certain themes. However, the process of learning about the relationship between art and internet culture broadened our perspective and we started to look at networks of communication, creation and reflection on the digital image.

As a theme for the selection of the works we chose the concept of “transformation”, a term used to dimension the possibilities of digital media and their connection and interaction with the environment and the concept of reality.

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digital event'07

there was a selection of interactive projects, web, and electronic art, running from September 14th through October 31st in different venues in Toronto. The show was supported by a series of theoretical insights about art in the digital era.

Our theoretical objective it is the continuation of an investigation that started during the last digital event. The concept of "Actualization" helps highlight the possibilities the web has to offer as a mechanism for information management, and the contextual implications it has for the conception of reality and cooperative social systems. The formal proposal for the composition of the different shows that are featured in digital event'07 revolved around three axes: Artistic approaches to programming, Imbricate trends on the Internet, and Emergent societies on the net.

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digital event’09

This exhibition had three different components: new media, video and performance. The general curatorial topic is Dissidents.

“The citizen in Canada is often a citizen of two countries.”

Every immigrant has two or more cultures, and often their political beliefs are at odds with the political establishment in their native country. How can we understand the concept of Dissident today? A broader perspective could describe a dissident as someone who holds a marginal state, who has a critical distance –a characteristic also common to artists. Dissidents is a topic that will help us to explore a critical approach to our contemporary culture, featured by Toronto based artists.

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digital event’11

Subversive Technologies

This year’s Digital Event Subversive Technologies investigates how artists respond to communication technology as one of the major sources of power in contemporary societies. During the last few years we have seen an increase in web and electronic artists and activists that use digital tools to create an impact on their societies or to register social unrest. The artists participating in Subversive Technologies use communication, information and networking technologies as a tool to reject control society, in an attempt to liberate bodies across spaces/territories, and across social and political categories.